About Peer-Pods

Hi, I'm Joe

Peer-Pods Founder

After spending years of educational studies in psychology, spirituality, yoga, metaphysics, and shamanism, Joe participated in the Mankind Project (men's group shadow work) for 18 years, and studied shamanism for 20 years. This experience showed him that everyone has great potential within. It is his life's work to create a safe and sacred place and practice to help others separate from the childhood identity that keeps so many stuck in a victim mentality.

Why Peer-Pods?


In adult life most people realize that their defenses to keep them safe no longer work. The masks we wear that seemed to keep us safe are actually harming us and blocking access to our life force and the full expression of our authenticity and unique gifts.

Expanding awareness and emotional intelligence and personal consciousness is the path each of us can accept and surrender to, or as the Buddha said, "let go or be dragged." We must continue to evolve and Peer-Pods provides the tools and a convenient, 1-hour per week practice, for each of us to become skillful at personal transformation.

The level of our personal and collective awareness will determine our future and the future of our planet. Begin within!

See Our Programs

Meet The Team

Our compassionate team members hope to bring you guidance on your path.

Joe Campanella

Peer-Pods Founder

Sarah Johnson

Peer-Pods Certified Expert

Jamie Gold

Peer-Pods Certified Expert

"It is our mission to leave you with peace of mind and more happiness, joy, and empowerment. We believe that you have the potential to feel your best!"

The Peer-Pods Team

Clear Childhood Programming and Trauma


November 5th at 1pm ET

Join us for a life-changing event and stop the unconscious actions that are keeping you stuck. Learn how to dissolve symptoms of trauma by finding and resolving THE SOURCE of your addictions, negative coping patterns, and limiting beliefs.

Join the FREE Masterclass